News Definitors Archivi - Page 4 of 4 - CARMELITANI SCALZI

8 December 2019

Study of the Declaration on our Charism

As reported in the Definitory’s September letter (11/09/19), within the context of the process of rereading our laws initiated after the Avila Chapter (2015) and taking into account what was approved by the Goa...

22 November 2019

Our Definitors in Latin America

Fr. Javier Mena, OCD, participated in the “Santa Teresa de los Andes and the Family Spirituality” Congress that took place in the city of Guatemala this past November from the 6th...

10 November 2019

Visits by our Superiors

Fr General, Saverio Cannistrà is visiting the United States of America at the moment, in particular the Province of Washington. This Province, which bears the name of the Sacred Heart of Mary, was born in the late forties of the last century, but...

23 October 2019

Activities of the Superior General and the Definitors

As we informed a few days ago, Father Saverio Cannistrá, Superior General, participated in the first elective assembly of the Association of the Most Holy Trinity, recently created in Italy. Elected in this assembly are: President: ...

30 September 2019

Activities of Fr. General & the Definitors

On 24th September, Fr. General, who was invited to participate in the General Chapter of the Carmelites of the Ancient Observance (O Carm), arrived in Sassone, near Rome. He presided at the 8 O’clock Mass, after which he gave a confer...

9 September 2019

General Definitory

On the 2ndof September, the Ordinary meeting of the General Definitory began, chaired by Fr Saverio Cannistrà and in the presence of all the Definitors. This meeting takes place after the summer break in the northern hemisphere, which ...

9 September 2019

News from the Order’s Information Secretariat

Coinciding with the start of the ordinary session of the General Definitory on the 2ndof September, the team in charge of the Communication of the Order, under the direction of Fr Agustí Borrell, Vicar General and directly responsible ...

4 March 2017

Meeting of the Definitory

From Monday, 6th March, the Definitory General, presided by Fr. Saverio, will meet in at its headquarters in the General House, as it normally does every three months....

13 June 2016

Definitory Meeting

From June 6 to 11, 2016, there took place the fifth meeting of the Definitory in this sexennium. At the end of the meeting, as is customary, our Major Superiors sent a letter in which we are told of what happened in their meeting: ...
