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9 September 2019

General Definitory

On the 2ndof September, the Ordinary meeting of the General Definitory began, chaired by Fr Saverio Cannistrà and in the presence of all the Definitors. This meeting takes place after the summer break in the northern hemisphere, which our Superiors use to carry out various activities and visits and take a few days of deserved rest.

On the agenda of the Definitory was a draft Declaration on the Charism, as well as the process of reviewing the Norms, which were discussed and adopted, taking into account what was approved  by the General Definitory held in Goa, India.

Among other issues, which will be communicated in detail in the traditional “Letter of the Definitory”, the question was addressed concerning the most opportune place in which to celebrate next year’s General Definitory, which follows the Provincial Chapters and precedes the General Chapter.