Fr. Alfredo was born in Hanover (Germany) on April 8, 1968. He is a member of the OCD Province of Navarra, where he made his First Profession on 26 September 1987 and was Solemnly Professed on 2 October 1993. On 10 April 1994 he was ordained a priest.
After obtaining a Licence in Biblical Theology at the Julius Mazimiliams University of Wurburg (1992-1994), Fr. Alfred had various responsibilities as Formator, Provincial Councillor and Secretary back in his OCD Province.
Between the years 2002 and 2007 he was transferred to the OCD Vicariate of Peru and served there as a Superior, Parish Priest and Councillor. Returning to Navarra, he was engaged in Formation, and Vocations’ Promotion as well as being Provincial Councillor and Bursar. As Secretary to the Iberian Conference of Provincials, he attended various international meetings.
On a return to the Commissariat of Peru he was Commissar there between 2017 and 2022. He also served as a Parish Priest and Superior there before being summoned to the General Curia in Rome.
For many years, Fr. Alfred was President and Administrator of ONG “Solidarity Office of the Discalced Carmelites in Peru – OSCAR DE PERU”.