South Korea: canonical approval of Uijeongbu Carmelite Monastery
On November 1, 2024, Uijeongbu Carmelite Monastery, located in Dongducheon, Gyeonggi-do, received canonical approval on July 3 of the same year, and celebrated its establishment with the Bishop of Uijeongbu and with 300 people include 30 priests, ...
Southern Brazil : Formation Meeting of the Federation of Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel
From 11th to 17th November, 25 sisters from the 11 Carmels of the Federation of Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel (Southern Brazil) met together at the Sao Joao da Cruz Spiritual Centre, in the town of Porto Alegre, to follow a cours...
Chile : VIIIth Meeting of CICLA-South, Brothers and Nuns
From 20th to 25th October, there was held the VIIIth Meeting of the CICLA-South, Brothers and Nuns. Participating were the Presidents, Delegates and Assistants of Federations and Associations, as well as the Prov...
Viet Nam: 25th Anniversary of the Federation of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns
On September 21, 2024, at the Carmelite Monastery in Saigon, the Federation “Our Lady of Mount Carmel” offered a thanksgiving Mass for the 25th anniversary of the Federation’s establishment and expressed gratitude to the benef...
Austria: Jubilee celebration in Linz
On Sunday 15 September, we had a joyful celebration of a Pontifical Mass with Mons. Manfred Scheuer in the Carmelite Church of Linz, as a conclusion of the Jubilee years of Teresian Carmel’s presence in Austria. Numerous Brethren from Austria ...
Korea: 50th Anniversary of the arrival of Carmelites
On Saturday, 5 October 2024, a special Mass was celebrated in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the arrival of Friars of the Discalced Carmelite Order in Korea. Under the slogan “A Mysterious Journey, 50 years of blessings, still b...
Philippines: Accompaniment for Formators
The Philippine Federation of Discalced Carmelite Nuns conducted the second of their three-phased Formators training program last July 24 – August 24 at the Carmelite Missionaries Center of Spirituality in Tagaytay City. For this triennium...
Columbia: meeting of Formators – CICLA
A meeting of Formators from CICLA was held in the priory of Villa de Leyva, from 4-24 August, in the presence of friars from several countries in Latin America (Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Mexico, Columbia, Peru, Costa Rica, Panama, Bolivia, Br...
Spain: 2nd International Congress on Therese of Lisieux at CITeS
From 2 – 7 September, CITes in Avila hosted the 2nd International Congress on Therese of Lisieux. The theme “My Vocation Is Love” the speakers and participants studied the manuscripts B & C from her “Story of A Soul...
Spain: examination of the tomb and the body of St Teresa of Jesus
The examinaion of the tomb and remains of Saint Teresa of Jesus began on the morning of 28th August, in Alba de Tormes. It was overseen by italian specialists from the Dicastro for the Causes of Saints, at the Vatican. The analysis focussed on the...
Ukraine: OCDS Promises
The OCDS Community of the Guardian Angels in Kiev shared in a very joyful celebration on Saturday 27 July. Mrs. Ludmila of the Holy Spirit made her promises in the presence of the Community’s assistant, Fr. Jana Dudeck OCD. The Eucharistic c...
Brazil: Meeting of CICLA SOUTH Superiors
From 22 to 26 July a meeting of the Major Superiors of CICLA SOUTH was held in the Monastery of St. Teresa in Curitiba (Brazil). The following Circumscriptions were represented: the Province of Brazil South; the Vicariate of Uruguay-Bolivia-Pa...
Ivory Coast: 10th Assembly of Federation of St. Therese of the Child Jesus
From 22 June to 11 July 2024, the eleven Monasteries of the Carmelites of French-speaking Africa – (Burundi, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Brazzaville Congo, the Ivory Coast and Ruanda) held their 10th Assembly at th...
India: Psycho-Spiritual Integration Course for Cloistered Nuns
A Psycho-Spiritual course was organised by the Federation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Sadbhavana, Carmelite Provincialate of Karnataka Goa Province, Bengaluru, from 3-22 June 2024. Sixteen Nuns from nine Carmels and from the Raipur Carmel took ...
Viet Nam: news from the Carmelite nuns
The Federation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel held their General Assembly from the 5th – 11th May 2024, at the Bishop’s Residence at Xuan Loc under the presidency of Father Francis Nguyễn Quách Tiến OCD, the Religio...