News Definitors Archivi - CARMELITANI SCALZI
Meeting of the Discalced Carmelite Major Superiors of the East Asia Oceania (EAO)
The meeting of the Major Superiors of the EAO region took place at the Mount Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville, Australia, from the 27th to the 29th of August 2024. This meeting gathered the Major Superiors and Councilors of ...
Austria: Jubilee celebration in Linz
On Sunday 15 September, we had a joyful celebration of a Pontifical Mass with Mons. Manfred Scheuer in the Carmelite Church of Linz, as a conclusion of the Jubilee years of Teresian Carmel’s presence in Austria. Numerous Brethren from Austria ...
Korea: 50th Anniversary of the arrival of Carmelites
On Saturday, 5 October 2024, a special Mass was celebrated in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the arrival of Friars of the Discalced Carmelite Order in Korea. Under the slogan “A Mysterious Journey, 50 years of blessings, still b...
France: Meeting in Lisieux of the OCD students from Europe
The meeting of our young professed friars from Europe was held in Lisieux from 19 – 24 August 2024, bringing together more than 80 participants (including the formators). The theme of the meeting was: the three pillars of the Carmelite li...
Ivory Coast: 10th Assembly of Federation of St. Therese of the Child Jesus
From 22 June to 11 July 2024, the eleven Monasteries of the Carmelites of French-speaking Africa – (Burundi, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Brazzaville Congo, the Ivory Coast and Ruanda) held their 10th Assembly at th...
Since August 2022, the Discalced Carmelite Order has been studying and preparing projects regarding the re-opening of St. Teresa’s tomb in Alba de Tormes. Her tomb has not been opened since 1914 and it is now hoped to undertake serious researc...
OCD and OCarm met at Monastery in Bocca di Magra
On April 2-6, 2024, the General Councils of the OCD and of the OCarm met at the Discalced Carmelite Monastery of Santa Croce, Bocca di Magra, Liguria. As has become the tradition since 1991, the two Councils meet twice a year, in June and D...
Final message of the OCD and OCarm meeting – April 2024
2024 04 21 ING OCARM OCD RETREA...
Avila: Meeting of European Formators
The annual meeting of OCD European Formators was held in CITeS from 29th January to 2 February 2024. About thirty Formators from all the European OCD Circumscriptions, as well as Fr. Roberto Maria Pirastu, Definitor General, were in att...
9th Assembly of Conference of Carmelite Superiors of French-speaking Africa and Madagascar
From January 21 to 26, 2024 the Conference of OCD Superiors of French speaking Africa and Madagascar held its annual assembly at Kinshasa (RDC). The two Definitors for Africa, Frs. Jean-Baptiste Pagabeleguem and Philbert Namphande, attended. The...
Australia: Report on the friars’ Regional Chapter
The friars from Australia attended their Regional Chapter along with Fr Christianus Surinono OCD, General Definitor for East Asia, and Fr. Jim Noonan OCD, the Irish Provincial. Faced with few vocations for the friars from the Region (Australia, Ne...
Updating of the Ratio Institutionis of the Order
From the 2nd to the 11th of October 2023, the members of the Commission for the updating of our Ratio Institutionis met at the Generalate to put together the various contributions sent by the Circumscriptions and to ...
Spain: Seminar on Intellectual Life among Discalced Carmelites
From 27 to 29 June, CITeS (Avila) hosted a seminar on intellectual life in the Discalced Carmelite Order. There were 17 participants from 6 different countries (Spain, France, England, Italy, Poland and Switzerland). Their discussions and refl...
SYRIA: Chronicle from destruction and hope… FEBRUARY 25-27, 2023
Saturday the 25th of February 2023 Destination Aleppo After the days spent in Iraq celebrating the 400th anniversary of the presence of the Carmelites in the land...
Philippine: An Assembly of Beginnings
The 14th General Assembly of the Philippine Federation of Discalced Carmelite Nuns held last November 8-12, 2022 in Iloilo City, coincided with the launching of the centennial celebration of Jaro Carmel, the first Carmelite community in...