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10 November 2019

Visits by our Superiors

Fr General, Saverio Cannistrà is visiting the United States of America at the moment, in particular the Province of Washington. This Province, which bears the name of the Sacred Heart of Mary, was born in the late forties of the last century, but sinks its deepest roots in the arrival in Wisconsin in 1906 of the Discalced Carmelite friars from Bavaria. These religious erected the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians and in 1914 added to their duties care of the parish of St. Florian, in Milwaukee West.
Fr Agustí Borrell, Vicar General, has ended his visit to the Navarre Province. In addition to dialogue with all the religious and visiting the monasteries of this circumscription, he was able to celebrate a fraternal day on October 12th with the Carmelite family of Navarre. On the 30th of October, the official conclusion of the visit took place.
For his part, Fr Javier Mena paid a visit to the sprawling delegation of Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay, which belongs to the Iberian Province, while Fr Mariano Agruda visited some monasteries of Discalced Carmelite nuns in the Philippines.