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8 December 2019

Study of the Declaration on our Charism

As reported in the Definitory’s September letter (11/09/19), within the context of the process of rereading our laws initiated after the Avila Chapter (2015) and taking into account what was approved by the Goa Extraordinary Definitory (2019), the General Definitory has prepared a first draft of the Declaration on our Charism, which largely reflects the proposals made by all the Circumscriptions of the Order during the first phase of the process: the rereading of our Constitutions.

The first step in improving this draft is the reading and study of it by groups of religious between 30 and 45 years old – coming from all the Circumscriptions and gathered by geographical areas – as already indicated in the above Letter

The first study days took place in Latin America – specifically in Villa de Leyva, Colombia, where 25 religious from Latin America and the Caribbean met together with the General Definitors, Agustí Borrell and Javier Mena.

As those taking part commented, the meeting took place in a prayerful, fraternal and industrious environment, which was most helpful for developing the work in hand, which concluded with a good assessment of the Declaration on our Charism and a serious commitment of all present to share the fruit of this work in their circumscriptions.