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23 October 2019

Activities of the Superior General and the Definitors

As we informed a few days ago, Father Saverio Cannistrá, Superior General, participated in the first elective assembly of the Association of the Most Holy Trinity, recently created in Italy.

Elected in this assembly are:

President: Sister María Clara de Cristo, of Florence

1st counselor: Sister Isabel de Jesús, of Terni

2nd counselor: Sister Annalisa de la Madre de Dios, of Genoa

3rd counselor: Sister Paula Victoria de Cristo, of Loreto


Before participating in the Teresian Congress celebrated in Yaoundé, Cameroon, the Superior General made a fraternal visit in Zambia to our missionary brothers who belong to the Province of Manjummel.

In addition, Father Agustí Borrell, who is making a canonical visit to the Province of Navarre (Spain), celebrated the Day of the Carmelite Family with the religious, the members of the OCDS, and lay associations of Carmel of that region in Vitoria this past October 12. Father Daniel Chowning, together with the Discalced Carmelite nuns of Notting Hill (London, Great Britain), also celebrated the Solemnity of Saint Teresa of Jesus.