Fr. Javier Mena, OCD, participated in the “Santa Teresa de los Andes and the Family Spirituality” Congress that took place in the city of Guatemala this past November from the 6th to the 10th. Participants in the Congress, organized by the Secular Carmelites of Central America, included 147 secular Carmelites and some religious from 12 Central American countries. The Congress was offered as an homage to St. Teresa of the Andes in the centenary of her death.
When the gathering ended, the Definitor for Latin America and the Caribbean traveled to the capital of Colombia, Santa Fé de Bogota, where he joined Fr. Agusti Borrell, the OCD General Vicar, to encourage a meeting of young friars from the Circumscription. During the gathering, a draft of the Charismatic Declaration prepared by the Definitor General will be debated. This document will be presented for revision and final approval at the coming General Chapter. The Vicar General was able to make a brief visit to the brothers in Ecuador before his arrival in Colombia.