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31 May 2022


The Teresianum held an Academic Day on 13 May in celebration of the Silver Jubilee of St. Therese’s declaration as a Doctor of the Church.

At the morning session, Professors Fr. Francois-Marie Lethel presented “The Story of a Soul as theological synthesis” and Fr. Bruno Moriconi spoke on “Therese of Lisieux, a woman of strength”. In the afternoon, Professors Fr. Francesco Asti, Sr. Antonella Piccirilli and Fr. Emilio Martinez addressed the theme “Why the Doctorate of St. Therese of Lisieux is important today”. All the conferences are reported on the Teresianum Youtube channel

At 6 in the afternoon, Fr. Miguel Marquez Calle OCD, Grand Chancellor of the Teresianum, paid homage to Frs. Lethel and Moriconi. He expressed his admiration for both our Professors and thanked them for all these dedicated years of lecturing and academic research. Afterwards they were both presented with a special issue of the Review Teresianum which had been prepared in their honour: “Studies in honour of Bruno Moriconi ocd and Francois-Marie Lethel ocd”.

We conclude with the words of Fr. General: “Thank you, dear Father and Brother Francois Marie Lethel, for your passion and your enthusiasm for everything you do and live. Thank you because your life and your dedication are “for souls”. Thank you for your readiness to live what God has indicated to you with the spirit of a disciple, which is the greatest lesson of a genuine master. Thank you, dear Father and Brother Bruno, for your humanity, for having shown us the most human aspect of theology, for putting Christ at the centre, for your art in expressing important things in simple words, for teaching us how the virtues can be lived by the simple man in the street”.