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10 June 2024


60 years ago, 25 April 1964, the presence of the Discalced Carmelites in Colombia was established as a Province.  This new Province was born under the patronage of St, Therese of the Child Jesus and was composed of 6 Monasteries, with 45 Solemnly Professed Friars and 20 Students.  These sixty years of history invite us to thank the Lord for our particular part in that history.

On 26 April, this year, as part of the 60th anniversary celebrations, the Chapel of the Child Jesus was solemnly blessed by Monsignor Ismael Rueda Sierra, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Bucaramanga.   Discalced Carmelites of our various communities, the clergy of the Archdiocese of Bucaramanga,  Carmelite Nuns from the Monastery of  Floridablanca, the Secular Carmelites of Santander and the members of our Spirituality Centre, all participated in this celebration.

We give thanks to the Lord for this time of grace and for the blessing that it represents for us, as a Province, to have a living presence dedicated to Carmelite Spirituality and to Pastoral Ministry in the service of the Church.