News - Page 41 of 42 - CARMELITANI SCALZI
Appeal for solidarity for the missions
Dear brothers and sisters! Thanks to the generosity of some monasteries of Carmelites nuns, some provinces of the Order and of some individual members of the OCDS, the centre of the Order, through the Missionary Cooperation Office (Mission ...
Interviews to Fr. Romano… on his visit to Stella Maris
Twice he has visited already this year Fr. Romano Gambalunga, General Postulator of the Order, the Monastery of Stella Maris and the Delegation of Israel, among other things to set the basis of an eventual opening for the cause of beatification of...
Opening and inauguration of the Saint Joseph monastery and spirituality centre in Nënshat, Albania
On the first of October, feast of St Therese of the Child Jesus, in the presence of Fr. General, Saverio Cannistrà, the monastery was opened in Nënshat, Albania, which forms part of the Province of Central Italy. In the morning, Mass was ...
Episcopal consecration of Mons. Oswaldo Escobar
At nine in the morning of the first of October, feast of St Therese of the Child Jesus, began the ceremony of consecration of the new Bishop of Chalatenango in El Salvador, Mons. Oswaldo Estéfano Escobar, a Discalced Carmelite who, until his appo...
Teresian-Sanjuanist formation
Students of the International School Saint John of the Cross in Rome received two 15-hour courses of Teresian-SanJuanist formation. The course about Saint Teresa was directed by Father Giuseppe Pozzobon of the Province of Venice. Father Emilio Mar...
OCDS CICLA meetings
OCDS members of the Bolivarian CICLA (Interprovincial Conference of Latin American Carmelites) from Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador met in Quito from September 16th to 20th. A delegation from Argentina also accompanied them. Delegates present were: Fr...
The International College’s Teresian pilgrimage
From the 17th of August to the 2nd of September, the second and third year students of our International Theological College in Rome go to Spain to visit the principal places associated with St Teresa and St John of the Cross...
Yearly retreat in the “Mater Carmeli” Spirituality Center of Butare
The Discalced Carmelites’ spirituality center “Mater Carmeli” in Butare, Rwanda, hosted a retreat directed by Father Christian Muta, ocd, a member of the Saint Joseph General Delegation of the Congo. In it, 35 consecrated Africans par...
Discalced Carmelite Bishops
At the beginning of September, the traditional course for bishops consecrated and/or elected during last year was celebrated at Rome. Among those taking part in the course were Mons. George Tambala and Mons. Zdenko Križić, Discalced Carmelite bi...
Meeting of the Commission for Rereading the Constitutions
Fr Agustí Borrell, ocd, the Vicar General, presided at the meeting of the Commission for the rereading of the Constitutions, which was held at the General House from 29th August to 3rd September. All the members of th...
Acts of the OCD Congresses of Nairobi (2012 & 2014)
The Acts of the Teresian Congresses celebrated in Nairobi in 2012 and 2014 were published in Yaoundé this year 2016 by Fr. Marie-Joseph de l’incarnation -DOL-, o.c.d, (Editor). So far the French edition is available: Thérèse d’Avila en ...
New website for the General Archive of the Discalced Carmelites
At the same time that the new website of the General Curia of the Order was inaugurated, the General Archive also opened up a new site on the Web: There, it offers researchers essen...
East Timor Mission
The Discalced Carmelite foundation in Timor is taking its first steps. On January 6 it launched its first community in Dili, founded by a Timorese priest, Noé Martins, and a Spaniard, Antonio González. This foundation is an initiative of the pro...
Program of the canonization of Bl. Elisabeth of the Trinity
On Friday 14 October at 19.00, The heaven on the earth, special event on the occasion of the canonization of Bl. Elisabeth of the Trinity, in the church Santa Maria della Vittoria, Via 20 Settembre 17. ...
OCDS Congress in Italy and Spain
Entre el 7 y el 10 de julio pasados se celebró en Sassone (Ciampino, Roma), el Congreso Nacional del Carmelo Seglar italiano, con el título: “Familia y comunidad. Entrañas de misericordia y fecundidad del amor”. Concebido como oportu...