Today the eucharist was presided by Fr. Lazaro Iparraguirre, the Provincial of Navarre (Spain). On this day of the birthday of the Blessed Virgin he invited us to upon Mary: with faith, she knew how to recognize the presence of the Lord where she found herself.
This morning we had the reports from the different working groups on the Norms. The nine groups took it in turns to express the fruit of their discussions and to propose their modifications and suggestions.
This afternoon the General Chapter elected the entire Definitory:
- Fr. Augusti Borrell (Spanish Province)
- Fr. Pius James D’Souza (Karnataka-Goa Province)
- Fr. Philbert Namphande (Malawi, Delegation of the Navarre Province)
- Fr. Robert Maria Pirastu (Austrian Province)
- Fr. Christianus Surinono (Delegation of Indonesia)
- Fr. Martin Martinez Larios (Mexican Province)
- Fr. Christophe Marie Baudouin (Paris Province)
- Fr. Jean Baptiste Pagabeleguem (West African, Delegation of the Spanish Province).
We congratulate our confreres on their election and thank them for accepting this service to the Order. We entrust them to our prayers and ask our Lady of Mount Carmel to bless them and accompany them in this new step along the way.
Tomorrow the Chapter should proceed to correct and approve of our Norms.