News News, News Friars
27 May 2019

May Fr. Edwin Diniz ocd, rest in peace

On April 25, 2019, during the octave of Easter, Father Edwin Aleluia Aleixo Diniz, OCD died in Bambolim (Goa, India). He was a doctor in dogmatic theology and licentiate in Sacred Scripture and professor emeritus of the Teresianum. Born in Mercies (Goa) on April 8, 1944, professed in the Order on March 19, 1965 and was ordained a priest on April 9, 1972. He has returned to the Father’s house at the age of seventy-five years, fifty-four of them as a religious and forty-seven as a priest.

We remember him with gratitude and entrust him to the Lord. His life has been a gift to the Order of Discalced Carmelites and to the Church, particularly for his contribution to the Teresianum Pontifical faculty. We entrust his soul to the Divine Mercy so that he may rejoice forever in the fullness of heavenly bliss.