News News Superior General, News
21 August 2018

Fr General’s Agenda

In the recent month of July, Fr Saverio Cannistrà ocd, Superior General, paid a fraternal visit to the friars and nuns in Hungary. Later on he took part in an international meeting in Brazil with the nuns of Latin America, as we have already informed you.

At the end of this month, it is planned to make a brief fraternal visit to Portugal and Spain. During this time he will take part in the European meeting of students in Fatima and afterwards he will go to Alba de Tormes and Avila, where they will be celebrating the Teresian jubilee year. On his return to Rome he will preside at the ordinary meeting of the General Definitory.

At the end of September, God willing, he will travel to Mexico, to take part in a congress for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Nuns’ Federation in that country and, as we have already informed you, during October he will also take part in the Synod of Bishops.

(Photos: Fr Saverio in Hungría. ©Erzsébet Persson, OCDS).