On the 6th of March 2018, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, received in audience His Eminence, the Most Reverend Cardinal Angelo Amato, S.D.B., Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. During the audience, the Pontiff authorized the Congregation to promulgate the decree relating to the miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God, María Felicia de Jesús Sacramentado.
Later on, Mons. Valenzuela, Bishop of Asunción, Paraguay, made official the date of the Beatification: the 23rd of June this year, in the “Nueva Olla” stadium of the Cerro Porteño football club. The site was selected so that a greater number of the public could attend.
In order to take part in the preparations for the beatification, Fr Romano Gambalunga, the Postulator General, went to Paraguay where, in Mburuvicha Róga, among other things, he was able to meet again with the President of the Republic, Mr Horacio Cartes. Afterwards, in the press conference, our Postulator stated that he had been able to present to the President all the work that he had been doing with Brother Restituto Palmero, ocd, in the context of this Cause.
In regard to the beatification, he assured that it “is a motive for joy and hope for all the people of Paraguay” and he pointed out the devotion existing among the Catholics of Paraguay for this holy nun who will the first person to be beatified in that nation. “In the two weeks that I have been in Paraguay, I have come to experience that she is a person much loved by the faithful”, stated Fr Romano, who then added that President Cartes had stated to him his availability and willingness to do all he could to make the beatification of María Felicia de Jesús Sacramentado, Chiquitunga, “a celebration for all the people”. The 23rd of June will be a day of national interest.