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8 December 2024

Rome: Collegio internazionale San Giovanni della Croce

The Collegio internazionale has begun a new academic year. At the moment, there are 20 students from different circumscriptions of our Order: 2 students from Sri Lanka, 2 from Malawi, 3 from Madagascar, 2 from Nigeria, 1 from Indonesia, 1 from Congo, 4 from Tanzania, 1 from West-Bengal, 1 from Lebanon, 1 from Karnataka-Goa, 1 from Krakow, 1 from Manjummel.

The formative community has also been renewed. The current formators are: Paweł Porwit (Krakow), Markus Ture (Indonesia), Rikardus Lodo (Indonesia), Maria Joseph Vivin Rodhric (Tamil Nadu), Kelvin Akhere Ekhoegbe (Nigeria), Claudiano de Aragão Lima (Brazil South-east).

Since the formation team was recently constituted, we will be focusing this year on developing our mutual knowledge, integrating into the Collegio, getting to know the students in order to accompany them in their growth in the carmelite vocation, and developing a coherent and multicultural model of formation.

We express our gratitude to the circumscriptions who sent their students to the Collegio and to the Italian and Spanish communities where the students engage with the Italian and Spanish languages.

You can follow all the activities through our Facebook page Collegio Teologico Internazionale OCD “San Giovanni della Croce”: