News News Formation, News Friars
18 July 2023


Inauguration of the Academic Year 2023-24 and Lectio brevis

The inauguration of the academic year 2023-24 of the Pushpashrama Institute of Philosophy and Religion took place on June 3rd Saturday. The solemn inaugural Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Rev Fr Silvestre D’Souza OCD, the Provincial Superior of Karnataka Goa Province. At 11.00 am, Fr Oswald Crasta OCD, the Rector welcomed the gathering, Fr Wilfred Rodrigues OCD, the Dean presented the annual report, and the students put up a chorus and a piece of instrumental music. The Lectio brevis was presented by Dr. M. Daniel, a Professor at Mysore University. Students’ wall magazine ‘Cosmos’ was released by Fr Provincial. The program ended with a Pushpashrama anthem.


Called to serve our Mother, the Church!

On June 5, 2023, his Excellency Most Rev Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore, ordained five Carmelite Brothers of the Karnataka Goa Province as deacons, in Jeppu, along with eight Diocesan Brothers. Many dioceses and religious priests participated in the Mass. Each of the brothers’ families was present. The Mariya Jayanti Hall on the Seminary grounds organized a brief felicitation programme to congratulate the newly ordained deacons. We express our deep joy at the ordination of these Brothers to the diaconate and pledge our fervent support for their ministry.