As you will have seen in detail on our web sites, the first congress of the Secular Order in the Congo took place from the 16th to the 19th of March this year. It was held in the reception centre of the Les Buissonnets monastery in Tabacongo, Lubumhashi.
With the Delegate General Fr Roger Balowe Tshimanga presiding, the members of the Secular Carmel in the Congo, accompanied by the Assistant of the Delegation and some Assistants from the communities, discussed the topic: “The Secular Carmel of the Congo: balance and perspectives”.
Among the conclusions of the congress, it was decided to strengthen the relationship between the various communities, to have more meetings of this type periodically, to establish in each of the friars’ communities time for formation meetings and the prayer of the Secular Carmel communities, as well as support being given from the Delegation to all the communities, in order to strengthen their life of prayer, fraternity and formation.
Also emphasized in the congress was the need for helping the Assistants of the communities so that they can carry out their work in a better manner, as well as interest in strengthening relationships of the OCDS in the Congo with their brothers and sisters present in neighboring countries.