In its June meeting, the Definitory General appointed as Rector (Superior) of the Teresianum Community Fr Albert Wach, ocd, from the Krakow Province. This appointment will come into effect after the Episcopal Ordination of Mons. Zdenko Kricic and during the fraternal visit to be made to the community by Fr Agustí Borrell, the Vicar General.
Fr Albert, who at the moment is in Avila enjoying a sabbatical year of retreat and formation, was the second Definitor General in the last triennium. He has also twice been the Provincial of Krakow.
Born in 1956 in Żarnów in the diocese of Radom, Fr Albert of the Virgin made his first profession in 1976, carried out his studies in Philosophy and theology in Poznan (Poland) and Rome. He received a Licentiate in Moral Theology from the Alfonsianum in Rome.