Blessed John-Baptist, Michael-Aloysius And James
18 Agosto 2024
(Optional Memory)
Fr John-Baptist Duverneuil (b. 1737, Limoges, France) in religion Fr Leonard, Fr Michael-Aloysius Brulard (b. 1758, Chartres, France), and Fr James Gagnot (b. 1753, Frolois, France), in religion Fr Hubert, were among a group of 64 Martyrs, victims of the French Revolution, who were beatified October 1, 1995.In their loyalty to God, the Church and the Pope, they refused to take the civil oath of the Constitution for the Clergy. As a result they were imprisoned on a slave-trading ship in Rochefort Bay. During 1794, the first two Carmelites died on board ship: Fr John Baptist on July 1, and Fr Michael-Aloysius on July 25. After a plague broke out those remaining disembarked on the island of Madame where Fr James died on September 10.Noted for their loving ministry to their fellow prisoners and their patience in accepting every type of privation and cruelty our three Discaled (Teresian) Carmeltie martyrs and their companions gave unsurpassable Christian witness to their faith and love.