
The Order of the Discalced Carmelite (OCD) is a contemplative religious family. Its mission is a combination of both contemplation and action (prayer and service). This mixture is variously expressed by the three branches of the Discalced Carmelites Order. While for the Discalced Carmelite nuns the apostolate is purely contemplative, the Discalced Carmelite Friars and the Discalced Carmelite Secular members (OCDS) participate in many ways in the works of the Church. A Carmelite is a man/woman who prays and acts for the transformation of the world.

Several Discalced Carmelite brothers and sisters are actively serving the people of God in parishes and in many other institutions of the Church far away from their native countries, sometimes in very difficult conditions.

The OCD Missionary Cooperation Office aims at supporting them in their day-to-day life and in their concrete socio-economic projects to uplift and enhance the life of the people they are serving in their missions.

Many wonderful people have made it possible for us to assist and support various projects in favour of people who are less fortunate materially than ourselves in West Europe, Asia, Central/South America and Africa. We really appreciate very much and say thank you a million. You are always in our prayers.  May our Lady of Mount Carmel bless and reward you for your goodness!


The generosity of good wishers like you makes concrete impacts in peoples’ lives. We trust in providence through your generosity. Your contributions or donations can be forwarded to the following bank account:

IBAN IT07P0569603237000009000X37
BANK Banca Popolare di Sondrio

Or please click the link below to contribute.

Would you have any query or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the OCD Missionary Cooperation Office:


Segretariato per la Cooperazione Missionaria             

Corso d’Italia 38

00198 Roma

Tel.: + 39 06 85442313


1. Development projects

With the OCD missions, you can take concrete action by supporting their social projects.

Donating in support of social development project by the OCD missionaries is to jumpstart economic growth in poor and vulnerable local communities. OCD missionaries advance policies and actions that transform local communities by supporting cooperatively-structured and community-led development projects. Needs are enormous, we call for your support.

2. Carmelites OCD missionaries

Life as a Missionary is quiet challenging, very difficult and requires sacrifice. The missionaries work tirelessly and sometimes with no place to stay, no means of transport, no food… They need support to just allow them live and do their mission.

3. Donations for holy masses

A charitable offering is a way to be in communion and to support the communities of the OCD Missionaries who are assisting numberless Christians in their mission communities.In fact, they are so many OCD missionaries around the world who, every day, are celebrating holly masses in various circumstances and need your support.

We know that any monetary gift given is truly given from the heart.  We cannot thank you enough for both your prayers and supports. You are in our prayers.

The Missionary Cooperation Office