Secular Order
2024_Letter to the Secular Carmel (OCDS) - WORLD MEETING OF THE OCDS
2023_Letter to the Secular Carmel (OCDS)
2022_Christmas Letter to the Secular Carmel (OCDS)
2022_Letter to the Secular Carmel (OCDS)
2021_Christmas Letter to the Secular Carmel (OCDS)
2021_Letter to the Secular Carmel (OCDS)
2020_Letter to the Secular Carmel (OCDS)
2019_Letter to the Secular Carmel (OCDS)
2018_Letter to the Secular Carmel (OCDS)
2017_Letter to the Secular Carmel (OCDS)
Ratio OCDS
Pastoral care_OCDS
Rule and Constitutions OCDS_EN
2016_Letter to the Secular Carmel (OCDS)