News News OCDS, News
23 April 2024


Last February, representatives of the OCDS Communities of Nigeria met in Benin City to discuss some important matters relating to their life as members of the Carmelite Secular Order.  The General OCDS Delegate as well as the Delegate for Nigeria and Ghana were also present for this meeting.

At the moment OCDS Communities are present in the cities of Abuja, Benin, Ekpoma, Enugu, Ibadan, Nsukka, Onitsha and Owerri.  The OCDS in Nigeria is noteworthy for its dedication to prayer and fraternal life.

During the February Assembly participants stressed the importance of  preparing their own  OCDS Statutes with a view to having helpful guidelines for living out  those Constitutions in their own region.  A commission will be set up presently for this purpose.  It was also thought that the programme for formation needs to be reviewed.

The Lord has blessed Nigeria with numerous vocations to the OCDS and continually more people are finding in this vocation a certain fulfilment and a means of growing in their relationship with God and with others.