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24 March 2024

Burkima Faso: Foundation Stone of Future Noviciate is laid

On Friday 9 February, in Pabre (Ouagadougou), with a temperature of 35 degrees under a red sky full of sand from the harmattan wind, the foundation stone of the future Noviciate of the Edith Stein OCD Delegation of West Africa, was laid.

The Delegation has been in existence now for over 25 years. During this time, 35 vocations from this region have persevered and, having taken the place of the original missionaries, these have now assumed a great amount of our pastoral and social apostolate.

Thanks to these numbers, the Delegation is experiencing a period of notable expansion: older communities are being strengthened while new ones have been founded. Many new projects are envisaged and these should permit us, in the near future, to attain the necessary autonomy regarding personnel and finances, to advance these initiatives.

May Our Lady of Carmel continue to accompany us in this challenge.