News News Nuns, News
8 March 2024

Belgium: Oldest community of Carmelite nuns in the world marks 555 years of foundation

The Carmel of Our Lady of Consolation in Vilvoorde is the 4th and last foundation of Blessed John Soreth. It was canonically erected on 11 February 1469. The Sisters fled from Liege during the “Siege of Liege” in 1468. Their monastery was destroyed. Through the efforts of the then Prior-General of the Order, John Soreth, they found a new home in Vilvoorde.

In March 1966, the Carmel of Vilvoorde, after a period of discernment and preparation,  took an important step: the transition from the Ancient Observance (O.Carm.) to the Teresian Carmel (OCD). The Sisters were given the freedom to choose whether to join a calced Carmel in the Netherlands or to pronounce their profession as discalced Carmelites.

In May 7, 2006 the monastery church, because of its spiritual, historical, and cultural significance, was elevated to a minor basilica by Pope Benedict XVI, upon the recommendation of His Eminence Godfried Cardinal Danneels.

Since the 550-jubilee year was not yet so long ago, the community has decided not to celebrate publicly this year but rather sing with their hearts at prayer God’s praises and hymns of thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity and Our Blessed Mother.