- CICLA of Latin America has requested our Commissariat to host the experience of a Second Noviciate 2023 and it will take place in the Formation Community 0f St. Joseph of the Americas. We have welcomed 9 students from CICLA and 2 from the Washington Province.
- The 4 parishes of Santiago de los Caballeros, Saint Teresa’s, Saint John of the Cross and Las Mercedes ended the month of July, Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s month, with a pilgrimage to the monastery of our OCD Nuns in Bani.
- From 31 July to 4 August we gathered in the Casa de la Altagracia en las Americas for our usual Retreat. Victor Manuel Henao OCD from the Colombian Province accompanied us.
- On Saturday 5 August, again with Fr. Victor Manuel, we celebrated a meeting of the Christian Family in the Parish of Saint Jude Thaddeus and honoured the centenary of St. Therese of the Child Jesus.
- The community from the House of Formation of Las Americas (hosting the Second Noviciate, as above), met with our OCD Nuns of Bani.