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26 December 2023

News from the Commissariat of St, Joseph, the Caribbean Islands

  1. CICLA of Latin America has requested our Commissariat to host the experience of a Second Noviciate 2023 and it will take place in the Formation Community 0f St. Joseph of the Americas. We have welcomed 9 students from CICLA and 2 from the Washington Province.
  2. The 4 parishes of Santiago de los Caballeros, Saint Teresa’s, Saint  John of the Cross and Las Mercedes ended the month of July, Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s month, with a pilgrimage to the monastery of our OCD Nuns in Bani.
  3. From 31 July to 4 August we gathered in the Casa de la Altagracia en las Americas for our usual Retreat.  Victor Manuel Henao OCD from the Colombian Province accompanied us.
  4. On Saturday 5 August, again with Fr. Victor Manuel, we celebrated a meeting of the Christian Family in the Parish of Saint Jude Thaddeus and honoured the centenary of St. Therese of the Child Jesus.
  5. The community from the House of Formation of Las Americas  (hosting the Second Noviciate, as above), met with our OCD Nuns of Bani.