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18 October 2023

Ivory Coast: inauguration of the scholastic year

On Saturday, September 16, 2023, the Catholic College of the Discalced Carmelite friars in Abidjan inaugurated the school year by entrusting it to the Lord. The Mass was presided over by Father Ambroise Marie Fare, director of the College. All the people involved in the school’s educational system were present (administrative and technical staff, teachers, students, parents, bus drivers, etc.)

On this occasion, parents had the opportunity to learn about the functioning of the school and its academic and disciplinary programs for the 2023-2024 school year. Afterwards, they were invited to visit the school and talk individually with members of the administration and teachers about their children and various school subjects. In turn, the teaching and administrative staff were able to give parents some advice on how to accompany and supervise their children at home.