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11 March 2023

Meeting of the Conferences of the Superiors of French- and English-speaking Africa and Madagascar

From the 21st to the 30th of January 2023, the first joint meeting of the Conferences of OCD Superiors of French- and English-speaking Africa and Madagascar was held in Yaoundé. These conferences are an important element in the life of our Order in Africa, and take on different forms such as common formation before solemn profession. For the first time our two Conferences, representing 17 African countries, came together. We were able to discuss common projects, such as the organization of a Carmelite Congress for the whole of Africa in 2025, or collaboration in formation with student exchanges.

Father General, Fr. Miguel Marquez Calle, was present with us during the last three days. We were also able to meet the Carmelite nuns of Etoudi-Yaoundé and members of the Cameroon Secular Order, as well as celebrate the 25th anniversary of our monastery in Nkolbisson, on the outskirts of Yaoundé.