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22 January 2023

Brazil: Canonical establishment of OCDS communities in the North/Northeast

The OCDS of the North/Northeast celebrated with joy and enthusiasm the canonical establishment of the communities of Saint Joseph of St Teresa and Flower of Carmel of St Therese, both in Fortaleza; as well as the community of St Teresa of Los Andes in Belém do Pará and the St John of the Cross community in São Luís do Maranhão. The celebration was presided over by Fr. Luciano Henrique, Delegate for the North/Northeast OCDS, and concelebrated by Fr. Ramiro Casale, General Delegate of the OCDS.

The canonical establishment is a juridical act by which a community, after discernment, is officially recognized by the Order of Carmel, with an act of the Superior General, currently Fr. Miguel Márquez, OCD. An OCDS community has, among its main missions, that of serving the Church, living, preserving and spreading the spirituality of Discalced Carmel, initiated by Saint Teresa of Jesus, in the company of Saint John of the Cross, both Doctors of the Church.