I would like to address the whole Order, friars, nuns and members of the OCDS, in this dramatic and terrible moment: in union with the call and anguished supplication of Pope Francis to all the People of God, I would like to ask you most ardently, as a priority and urgent task, to pray with all the ardour and fervour of your faith for all the Ukrainian people who are being attacked and bombarded now.
We are in contact with our friars and nuns in Ukraine, namely the 2 communities of Discalced Carmelites Nuns in Kiev and Kharkiv, and our friars in Berdichev. The Delegate Father Jozef is travelling right now to Kiev to be with one of our friars and with the community of nuns. Some sisters from Kiev have decided to leave for Poland and get to safety. The community in Kharkiv has decided not to leave and to stay in their monastery. These sisters are the closest to the border.
We are all Ukraine now. This morning the Mother Superior of Kharkiv was telling me that they have no mass these days. I told her that the Eucharist of the whole Order had become one with them. We are in deep communion with the Carmel and the people of Ukraine. We are all ONE at this moment with our lamps burning.
With Mary and Joseph and all the Saints of Carmel, we pray to you Lord for the people of Ukraine.