During the solemnity of our Holy Mother Teresa of Jesus, we celebrated a thanksgiving Eucharist for Casa del Monte Carmelo at Lepaterique, Honduras.
We are overjoyed because today has been a very significant day: a first Mass celebrated in this House, on such an important occasion for Teresian Carmel, the feast day of St. Teresa. The Mass was celebrated in what will be a dining hall, so, with all due reverence, we can say that the first banquet there was a Eucharistic one. Teresa of Jesus, such an exceptional woman, Saint, Doctor of the Church…is a fount of inspiration for many young women who are commencing a journey in Casa Monte Carmelo. This house welcomes young adolescents, from some remote and impoverished villages in the region of Lepaterique, who have no access to education. They now have the opportunity to begin studies in preparation for becoming protagonists in their family lives and in the Church and society.
We thank God, that with the help of many people, parishioners and institutions, we have the facilities to welcome these young women who are a hope for humanity. In a particular way, we thank the Order of Discalced Carmelites that through the Secretary for Missions, Fr. Jerome Paluku, has provided significant assistance. We are also very grateful for the substantial financial help for our project supplied by the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI).