News News Friars, News Superior General, News
7 November 2021


From the 11th to 15th October, the Superior General, Fr. Miguel Marquez Calle, paid a fraternal visit to the Permanent Community of the Teresianum.   He was interested in having first-hand information about the life of our religious there and their work in our Pontifical Faculty.  During these few days he was also able to have brief meetings with the International College and the Missionary Seminary, while he would hope to pay both these sectors longer visits soon.

During this first meeting with the religious of the Teresianum, after Vespers on Monday 11th,  Fr. General explained to the community that he wished to converse with each of them, simply to understand the situation of every individual and to share their community life for these few days.

The visit was solemnly concluded on the day of the opening of the academic year 2021-2022, the Feast of St. Teresa.  Fr. Miguel presided at the Eucharist and the official academic opening.  The President of the Faculty, Fr. Christof  Betschart, reported on the activities of the preceding  year.  Fr. Ciro Garcia, the out-going Librarian of the Faculty who returns to his own Province soon, delivered his personal “last” lecture, by way of an inaugural lecture for the new academic year.