News News Friars, News Nuns, News OCDS
29 October 2021


In honour of this year dedicated to St. Joseph, the Ist Interprovincial OCD Congress was held from 9-15 October.  The theme for the Congress was “Saint Joseph: between silence and action”.  The online event, organised by the OCD Provinces of Brazil, was transmitted on the YouTube channels of the OCDS.   At least 8.000 viewers, from different countries, were able to tune in to the videos.

The Congress proved to be a great occasion for fraternity and formation  among the entire Brazilian Teresian family and a significant witness to their sharing of the Teresian charism.  All three branches (friars, nuns and seculars) of both the OCD Provinces, (St. Joseph and Our Lady of Mount Carmel) were involved in the organization, permitting all of them to participate in spreading their common love for St. Joseph.

All the participants had access to the varied formative activities for a deepening appreciation of Josephine spirituality:  a scriptural approach, Papal teachings, patronage, devotions, art etc.  Some artistic performances were also included, especially one of participants in a musical competition honouring St. Joseph.  The opening and closing Masses were celebrated by the respective Superiors of the two Provinces and a Triduum for the Feast of St. Teresa, our Mother, was also part of the agenda.

This Interprovincial Congress, honouring St. Joseph, celebrated, in a Teresian prospective, the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph as Patron of the universal Church.  It is our hope that the special event may bear spiritual fruits for the good of all the people of God and the blessing of St. Joseph on the entire Carmelite family in Brazil.