Today we came to the end of our General Chapter. As the ancients said, ”ultima brevior” which means: the last must always be the briefest.
The day was entirely dedicated to working on the Final Document of the Chapter and on the message of the General Chapter. The Commission that had the task of working on these texts presented the fruit of their work. The Chapter Assembly thanked them for this. There followed a debate on the two documents. After this and after the Commission had integrated the contributions from the Chapter members the text were voted on by the Chapter. The texts will soon be made available. We ask you to be patient and to wait for the official translation.
The friars then met to celebrate the Eucharist that concluded the Chapter, presided by our Father General, Fr. Miguel Marquez Calle.
In conclusion, we would like to thank you for your prayers and your close support throughout the General Chapter. We have felt and seen your interest for this ecclesial time that we have experienced. Perhaps the Chapter members were ninety two but with your numerous messages , with your prayerful presence, this moment was for us and for you a time of ecclesial communion “born out of love for the eternal Father, founded in the time of Christ our Redeemer, united in the Holy Spirit” (Gaudium et Spes).