At the beginning of the morning, Fathers Francisco Javier Mena Lima, of the Caribbean Commissariat, and Fabio Silvestri, Provincial of Venice, presented the working method adopted for the revision of our Norms: the members of the commission, the reasons for integrating or not the observations put forward by the Chapter members. After these explanations the Commission for the revision of the Norms was given more time to complete its work.
Fr. Marco Chiesa, General Postulator, presented the work of Postulation: how it functions, the promotion of the Causes of the Saints of our Order, the relics of the Saints and the relationship with the Congregation for Saints. The Postulation office also covers the liturgy proper to our Order. He explained how the our liturgical books are prepared in the various linguistic areas and these areas links with the General Postulator.
Fr. Christophe-Marie Baudouin, Definitor, from the Paris Province, reminded us that on the 16th April 2021 the executive council of UNESCO approved the candidature of Therese of the Child Jesus for the biennial 2022/2023, in occasion of the 150th anniversary of her birth. This candidature was presented to the French State and the Basilica of Lisieux. 2023 will also be the centenary year of her beatification (29/04/1923). Fr. Christophe-Marie invited the Chapter to honour this centenary. The Chapter assembly welcomed this invitation. How this is done will be decided later.
Finally, Fr Daniel Ehigie, of the Regional Vicariate of Nigeria, presented to us the situation of the Order in Africa and its representation at the General Chapter and to the Extraordinary Definitory. He informed us of a request from our brothers in Africa to have one more representative (at the General Chapter). The Chapter will vote on this request at the end when it will vote on the various resolutions.
This afternoon the Chapter members voted, one by one, on the revised Norms.