Our confreres from India took the lead in our prayer today. Fr. Joannnes Gorantla recalled that foundations are important in any building. Ours must be in Christ, whose whole life was one of an intimate relationship with the Father. This the source of all his work. The unity of the Apostles, of the Church, of our Order also has its foundation in Christ, who unites in Himself all our differences.
The day was dedicated to the revision of our Norms. In the Extraordinary Definitory in Goa (2019) it was decided not to change our Constitutions but to elaborate in a Declaration what is our charism. The same Definitory also decided to revise our Norms. So, after having listened to the various Circumscriptions following the rereading of our Constitutions, and keeping account of our their own experiences, the General Definitory reviewed the Norms and proposed today to the General Chapter to make some modifications/clarifications. This morning, Fr. Francisco Javier Mena presented and explained to the Chapter members, one by one, the proposed changes, with the view of discussing them and then voting on them.
In the afternoon, the friars met again in their groups to work on the revision of the Norms. Fr Miguel took the opportunity to visit each group in order to meet them personally.