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2 September 2021

Thursday, 2nd September 2021

Each linguistic group takes its turn to preside at the eucharist. Today It was the turn of the French group. The president was Fr. Christophe-Marie ocd, Provincial of the Paris Province. His homily offered three words for us to reflect upon: listening, conversion and communion. This synodal process should lead us to the fulfilment of Christ’s prayer: “That we all be one”.


Today concentrated on Fr. General’s report of the state of the Order. The morning was dedicated to the listening to this report of the state of the Order by Fr. Saverio Cannistra. In the afternoon, the chapter members met in various language groups to discuss the report. At 17.30 we came together in the Chapter room to discuss together with Fr. General.


His report, more than an observation, was an expression of someone who for twelve years has dedicated himself to the service of the Order. Father Saverio highlighted four changes in the Order:


  1. We Carmelites are becoming more apostolic and less contemplative.
  2. Community life is losing its central importance.
  3. The formation of our young friars is more orientated to priesthood and to pastoral ministry than to religious growth.
  4. The present differences between the regions and the circumscriptions are really testing the unity of the Order.


After these observations Fr. General presented the present challenges that the Order must face and to which it must reply concretely; not only rhetorically: interculturality, formation, communion between the three branches of the Order.

The complete report has been published on our website.