On the 10th of December 2016, the Iberian Conference of Provincials, made up of the Provinces of Portugal, Navarre and Iberia, began a mission in East Timor.
Despite all the efforts made, for the moment it has not been possible to consolidate a solid presence which would assure the implanting of the Order in this territory.
As a result of a petition from this same Conference, the General Definitory sent a letter recently on the 11th of June to the Provincials of the three Circumscriptions, thanking them for the work carried out by the missionaries who had remained there all this time, and accepting the proposal of temporarily suspending the mission.
God willing, in the future, as the General Definitory expressed, a presence of the Teresian Carmel can be re-established in East Timor, which fulfils the requirements for a renewed presence that would be oriented towards the reception of vocations and training them”.