During his visit to the Province of South Kerala, Fr. Johannes Gorantla, Definitor General for South Asia, has visited the Vicariate of Koltaka, which includes nine Indian states, including those of Western Bengal and Sikkim.
For the moment, the Order has established itself in the region with four houses established canonically and six which have yet to be established. Most are missions in remote areas of north-east India.
Fr. Johannes has explained the difficulties of travel to us, but also the new and most beautiful experiences which he has been encountered in the Order in this region of India, with the brothers who work in there and the people whom they serve.
There are 31 solemnly professed friars and 22 who have taken simple vows, working in a mission with a future full of hope.
Together with Fr. Johannes, we thank the brothers who have listened to the call of the Lord to serve the Order, the Church, and men in a mission which demands great sacrifices and a strong apostolic spirit. Let us pray for them!!!