After Sunday, the day of rest, we began work again following the Eucharist which was enlivened by the English speaking group with members from Europe, the United States, East Asia, and Australia.
Father Jean Joseph Bergara, Procurator General, gave the first conference of the day. It was directed to the Major Superiors and dealt with matters regarding their office. With practical and amusing examples, he presented case studies of processes the Superiors may face as a result of differing requests from brothers and sisters under the jurisdiction of the Order.
The next conference was offered by Father Johannes Gorantla, General Definitor, and dealt with the economic administration of the Order. He explained some general aspects regarding the careful use of material resources as well as specific issues regarding, primarily, the provincial economy.
In the afternoon, the Postulator General, Father Romano Gambalunga, gave some guidelines regarding carrying out the beatification and canonization processes. He followed up with an explanation of the importance they have for the spiritual life in the Circumscriptions. He illustrated his reflections with references to two processes currently underway: that of Cardinal Ballestrero and of Sister Lucia of Fatima. The evening session ended with a conference by Father Jérôme Paluku, Secretary for Missionary Cooperation, which informed the Definitory about cooperation projects with the missions.
There was time for the Delegate General from Venezuela, Father Daniel, to give a brief report on the situation in his country. The Definitory will send a letter of solidarity with all the Teresian Carmel in Venezuela.
After Vespers and a fraternal dinner, the members of the Definitory retired until tomorrow, which will be the last workday of this Extraordinary Definitory.
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