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1 September 2017

Discalced Carmelite Extraordinary Definitory_1st September

On this day, liturgical feast of Saint Teresa Margaret Redi of the Sacred Heart, the Italian group took charge of enlivening the Eucharist that began the day. Father Aldino Cazzago, Provincial of Venice and President of the Interprovincial Conference of Italian Discalced Carmelite Major Superiors presided over the celebration. He encouraged us to reexamine and vivify our friendship with Christ so that it will be a sincere, authentic response to him who loves us so much.

This morning’s work began with a conference given by the Father General on the Province as part of the Order. In this way he started the third part of the Extraordinary Definitory, planned as a mini-course for the major Superiors of the Teresian Carmel that are present here. After a fruitful dialogue and an intermission, the work of the morning continued with a talk by Father Wiesław Kiwior, ocd, about the Provincial as major Superior and Ordinary.

In the afternoon, Father Miguel Márquez, Provincial of Iberia, gave a conference about the visitation of the Province and its pastoral stimulation while Father Umberto Ranieri, ocd, from the Province of Venice, closed the day’s session with a talk on the structures of collegial governance.

After prayer, vespers, and dinner, the third day of work was concluded. Participants of the General Definitory wish to thank our sisters the Nuns as well as Secular Carmelites and Friars from different parts of the world for all the expressions of closeness and prayer received throughout these days.

For more information find us on Facebook: “Curia Generalizia Carmelitani Scalzi”; and Twitter: @ocdcuria.