The 5th OCDS Provincial Chapter took place at Medellín in the Francis Palau retreat house of the Carmelite Missionary Sisters on the 24th, 25th, and 26th of March. Taking part in the event were delegates from the seven communities of the country (Medellín, Pereira, Villa de Leyva, Cali, Bogotá, Anzá and Bucaramanga). Also present were the Discalced Carmelite friars, Fr Milton Moulthon and Fr Arcesio Escobar.
The primary purpose of the meeting was to elect the members making up the Provincial Council who will offer their services during the next triennium in the following offices:
President: Lucy del Carmen Quexada;
Formator: Esther Leonor Galvis;
Councillor for Spiritual life: Josefina Espitia;
Councillor for the Apostolate: Gabriela Marín;
Consejería de Vida Mariana: Francisco Neira;
Treasury Auxilliary: Rosario Serrano;
Secretary: Caroline Gebehart.
Also discussed in the meeting were the concerns raised by Fr General in his letter sent from Rome on the 27th of March 2016.