On 20th December, 2016, Pope Francis appointed as Bishop of the Lismore diocese, in Australia, our brother Fr Gregory Homeming who, since 2014, has been Regional Vicar of that area of jurisdiction, which is dependent on the Anglo-Irish province. Fr Greg, as he is familiarly known amongst us, also fulfilled this office from 1998 to 2002 and from 2005 to 2011.
Born in 1957, he made his profession on 1st February 1987 and was ordained priest on 20th July 1991. He has a degree in Economics and Law from the University of Sydney and completed his theological studies in the Catholic University of Melbourne.
May the Lord bless him and accompany him in this mission to which he has been called in God’s Church. It is absolutely certain that he will not lack the prayers of his Teresian Carmelite family.