At the beginning of September, the traditional course for bishops consecrated and/or elected during last year was celebrated at Rome. Among those taking part in the course were Mons. George Tambala and Mons. Zdenko Križić, Discalced Carmelite bishops, whom we were able to greet as they passed through Rome.
For his part, Mons. Oswaldo Escobar, Bishop of Chalatenango since the first of October, forwarded on to us his episcopal coat of arms, which contains the following elements: a castle which represents his ties to the Teresian Carmel, since it evokes the supreme work of Mother Teresa; the sun, recalling the patron of the diocese, St John Baptist, who was called to point out the sun who was born from on high (cf. Lk 1:78); the dove of peace, in a region so wounded by civil war, is a symbol which is also in the style of the typical artisan art of Chalatenango; finally, there is the shield of the Order.
His episcopal motto is: “Depths of mercy”, which he took on when he was ordained a priest and which, twenty years after, became the plan for his episcopal ministry.
Finally, we inform you that on 4th July the Holy Father, Pope Francis, accepted the resignation of Mons. Amancio Escapa, ocd, the auxiliary Bishop of Santo Domingo, for reasons of age, and also on 2nd August the resignation of Mons. Dadah from the pastoral government of the Apostolic Vicariate of Beirut (Lebanon).