The Discalced Carmelite foundation in Timor is taking its first steps. On January 6 it launched its first community in Dili, founded by a Timorese priest, Noé Martins, and a Spaniard, Antonio González. This foundation is an initiative of the province of Portugal with the support of the Iberian and Navarre provinces. It has set as its mission in this country that which is most proper to us: the promotion of spirituality, as well as formation.
Our work in the sphere of spirituality is beginning to make way six months after this starting point. Father Antonio González directed a retreat for the priests of the three dioceses of Timor (Dili, Baucau, and Maliana). Father Noé preached the exercises preceding profession to the novices of a Franciscan congregation from August 3 to 11. The topic in both cases was the mercy of God. From early September, these two Carmelite priests are carrying out other activities requested by the diocese of Dili and religious congregations established in the country.
In addition, we have been approached by youths discerning vocations. We have undertaken a journey of formation, discernment, and prayer with them.