News News, News Missions
6 September 2016

Acts of the OCD Congresses of Nairobi (2012 & 2014)

The Acts of the Teresian Congresses celebrated in Nairobi in 2012 and 2014 were published in Yaoundé this year 2016 by Fr. Marie-Joseph de l’incarnation -DOL-, o.c.d, (Editor). So far the French edition is available: Thérèse d’Avila en Dialogue avec l’Afrique.

The publication underlines the steps undertaken by the Order in Africa. It shows how, since several consecutive decades, Carmel was stablished in Africa. The contributions to the Congresses reveal two faces: the Carmelite face of Africa and the African face of Carmel. May this publication stimulate Carmelite research work in Africa so that the rich spiritual heritage of the Order and the equally rich cultural heritage of the African continent may enrich each other.  Thus, we will be stimulated to experience fully the heritage of our saints in Africa and to hand it down to the future generations.

ISBN 978 9956 445 02 8 
